Thursday, September 30, 2010

Questionnaire ★

We composed a questionnaire to gather information from our target audience about the genres of music videos they watch, what they like to have included in a music video and their comments about our music video idea.

Here are the questions:

1. How old are you? (16, 17, 18, 19, other)

2. What is your favourite music genre?

3. How often do you watch music videos? (Often, Rarely, Never, Other)

4. Which music video is your favourite and why?

5. What do you like to watch in a music video? (Dancing, Narrative, Animation, The Band, Other)

6. Our Idea...
What could be changed or improved?

7. Do you think the idea fits with the indie/alternative genre of our song? Why/why not?

8. What would you expect a music video of this genre to include?

9. Do you notice CD print adverts? If so, where do you see them?

10. What do you like about them? What catches your eye? What do you like to see in CD print advert?

11. What is your favourite CD print advert and why?

12. What is your favourite CD cover and why?

We then gave them out to people we thought would have a diverse range of ideas and are creating graphs and charts to show these results.

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