Thursday, September 23, 2010

Textual Analysis - David Ford CD Advert ★

I found a David Ford CD advert whilst looking for a Plain White T's advert which was incredibly hard to find. I had to settle for this one but I'm sure it will have similar conventions to the Plain White T's as it's of the same or very similar genre.

This advert is very simple and sophisticated which is what appeals to me. It shows the name of the artist "David Ford" very clearly in block capitals in a light green which has connotations of nature, cleanliness and i think this fits with the indie/rock music genre that this advert is promoting. The song title is underneath, also in capitals which makes it clear and has more impact than it would if it was in lowercase.
The release date is the first thing on the advert, a central placement in capital letters is clear and precise, however it's in a small font which does make the artist name stand out even more and the date could be seen as a second thought.

The advert includes a quote from The Sun newspaper saying "Mesmerising. Album of the year" and they also gave it 6 stars, more than the usual 5. This is a good sign for people that aren't fans to see as it may encourage them to buy the album or research more about him.

The close-up image of the guitar is a denotation of the genre of music that's on the CD. The checkered shirt, surf-style bracelet, worn guitar and patch grass all give suggestions about the genre of the music as well. They could indicate a hint of country style music on the CD or they could connote the relaxed, naturalistic sound which David Ford's music has. The image is also in a sepia colour which gives the advert a classic look which country/alternative bands often have, unlike genres like "pop" which are much more vibrant and eye catching. This advert is subtly expressive rather than "in your face". The fact that the rest of the advert is black also shows this as it's a neutral, archetypal colour.

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