Sunday, October 03, 2010

Take One ★

On Wednesday we started filming! We decided to film Olly in a white room, like our storyboard said, and had him sat on a chair with his guitar. We had two cameras that we could use but only one tape which was an issue. To overcome this problem we filmed Olly singing three times, from different angles with the one camera. We had an eye level mid-shot, a low angle closeup looking up the guitar as Olly played and finally another closeup but this time eye level focusing on Olly.

In the editing room we will then edit these takes into short scenes which are in a montage effect with the different angles and they will then be added in between the other footage as shown in our story board which will be uploaded shortly.

We hope to film some more footage this week or next week as filming over half term isn't going to be possible. Once we have all the filming we need we can then get on with the editing and also concentrate on the CD cover and CD advert.

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