Monday, September 27, 2010

Textual Analysis - Milow ★

Milow is a singer-songwriter from Belgium who's career started in 2004. He has three albums out, two of which went Gold in Belgium and the third went Platinum in Germany.

This is the advert for his 2009 tour:

From looking at this advert you can tell that it's from the acoustic genre because of the mellow, toned-down colours which are neutral, relaxed and has connotations of being warm and wholesome just like the genre.
Milow is the background of the advert which is a strong representation that he wants to be known, however having his eye diverted from the camera makes him seem vulnerable and humble which could also connote the genre of music behind the advert.
The lowercase font for the name "milow" has a friendly feel to it rather than if it was in capitals and may also have audience gratification and fans may recognise it. It's in white which makes it stand out from the background but is in a complimentary colour which makes the advert thematic and could link with CD covers or music videos. The background is wood which also connotes nature and simplicity which is also what acoustic music is about.
The table of tour dates is in the natural eye line and is clearly structured, the box above and below fit this layout and include the supporting band at the top and the web address and the production company logo at the bottom.

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