Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Evaluation Question Two : How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? ★

Research and Planning:

In the research and planning stages we used website including YouTube for watching music videos and getting screen shots, Google for images of CD covers and adverts that may apply to our genre, Wikipedia for information about our genre and artists. We also used paint for putting the images in a format that Blogger would accept and Microsoft Word for creating pie charts of our audience research and for experimenting with an idea for our advert.


During construction we used still cameras for taking pictures of us filming and also for images that we could use for our CD cover and advert. We used camcorders for filming our music video and we also took some screen shots of footage from these. iMovie was used to upload our footage and enabled us to edit and complete our video, we also used iTunes for uploading our song which we then imported to iMovie. We also used a Mac laptop which we used for playing the song when filming Olly so that he played in time to the actual track we're using. We also used photoshop for designing and making our CD cover and our advert.


We used Blogger in the evaluation process for uploading peoples responses to our music video and we also used YouTube for putting our music video on the website so that we could get it on our blogs. We also filmed some of our audience feedback and uploaded this to YouTube as well so that this could also be added to our blogs. We also used iMovie for burning our music video to a disk.

Here some photos we took whilst filming... some are natural ones we took whilst other members of the group were filming and some were more staged for our CD cover and advert.


We experimented with many different angles when filming Olly and these include high angle, low angle, shots from the side and extreme close-ups of the guitar or close-ups of Olly's face. All these angles gave a different perspective of the singer and the song and these will be used in a montage effect within the video. We had to re-film these scenes as we felt the background was distracting so we found a plain white room with a mirror which gave a much better effect.


These are photos of our actors Ana and Jenny who play "the girl" and one of the girls friends. We had to change the storyboard slightly, so instead of the girl being in her room and tearing up a photograph she's in the toilets at school with a friend ripping up a letter than Olly had previously written. The first picture of the girls shows them hugging after Ana's ripped up the letter and the second shows Ana receiving the text from Olly saying sorry which the leads to her journey to find him. We also filmed a match on action of Ana coming out of the door of the toilets which we'll use in the video.

More photos from filming... and some screen shots :)
The first image shows Ana waiting to cross the road at one point in our video. The bus came at just the right time and so i chose this clip to put as a screen shot as it was coincidental that the bus was there but it was relevant to the scene and it this image especially has a good effect as the bus is blurry meaning you can see the background as well.
The second image is of Olly playing the guitar and i particularly like this view. We did have to re-film a few of these scenes because of background objects (the chairs in this picture) but if we use this one or one similar for the insert or advert we will photoshop a more appropriate background in.
The third image shows Ana crying in the toilet after ripping up the love letter. I thought this image was very prominent as an important part in this scene and gives a clear idea about the emotion in this part of the scene.

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