Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Final Print Products ★

Here are our finished print products - the magazine advert, CD cover (front and back) and four inserts.

We used an image of wood for the background of this advert as we thought it represented the genre well because it has connotations of nature and boats and these were the images we wanted to create. We used photos of the instruments used in the band instead of having an image of the band as this was more generic, then we also chose three images from the music video which we thought portrayed the genre and narrative of the song to synergise with the advert as well.

This is our CD cover front and back. The front shows an image of Olly and Ana stood on a boat which denotes the name of the band "Two in a Boat" but also follows the narrative. We changed the colour of the image to a blue hue which was more generic and we put the title in the bottom right hand corner as it's in the audiences eyeline. The title is black so that it is visable but doesn't distract from the image.
The back cover has the same image of the wood as the advert but it's the other way round, we used the same image of the guitar as well but changed it in photoshop to a "stamp" which is more modern and fitted better with the colour scheme and the whistful fonts. We also included the web address so that fans could access more information about the band.

This is also the same wood image as the background for our first insert. We then placed Olly infront of this wood to make it look like he was leaning against it in a relaxed "lovelorn" way, which relates to the genre of the music and also the lyrics and narrative of the song. We put the names of the song in the insert as well, which is a conventional thing to do and they're in the same font as the writing on the front cover. We also included who played what instruments within Two in a Boat and also where the CD was produced, also following the conventions of CD covers.
The second insert shoes Ana and Olly holding hands, which also converges with the music video. We chose to have this image blurred as we felt the solid image was too harsh for the genre and wouldn't fit with the atmosphere of the other inserts and covers. The close-up of the hands is a symbolic representation of the narrative in the video and so this is then connoted through this image, even without hearing the song.

The third insert has an image of Olly playing the guitar in a close-up, cutting off his legs and head which then focuses the eye on the guitar which is the whole idea of the song. We also changed this to the same blue hue that was featured on the front cover as this was synergy between the two images and again, it represented the genre and narrative. We included the lyrics because with songs of this genre it's all about lyrics so we thought that people may want to see them written down so they could express their feelings of them to other people, perhaps through facebook or twitter status updates. The lyrics are in the same font used on the other inserts/covers and placed in a central allignment as this is a natural way for eyes to move down the page, and it also fits in with the relaxed, chilled ambience.

The fourth and final image is of Ana, at the start of the music video when she's crying. We changed this image to the "stamp" effect that the guitar on the front of the CD cover had as this tied the two images together and made the image more interesting and unique to look at. As it's cartoon-like it reminds me of the Juno film credits which feature images similar to this one, and the music in Juno is also similar to that of Two in a Boat, which links to similar target audiences. We also decided to make this image blue too which tied all the images together and made it feel like a proper complete print project.

Before and After Photos:

Before -------> After

To change this image we altered the contrast and brightness which made it stand out more and gave warmth to the photograph which is why we used it at the end of the music video to conclude the narrative in the traditional, archetypal "happily ever after" way.

Before -------> After

For this image we cropped the image with the magic wand tool in Photoshop and changed the colour to complement the background and also changed it to a stamp effect which fitted better with our acoustic genre and appealed more to our target audience as it looks like pop art.

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