Friday, October 08, 2010

Questionnaire Results ★

These are the results of our questionnaire that we gave out to people of our target audience and people who frequently watch music videos to get a wide range of responses.

The first question asks "what is your favourite music genre?" with the answers "Pop", "Metal/Rock", "R 'n' B/Soul" and "Other". The biggest section of answers came from the "other" category which included genres of music such as indie, religious, folk and orchestral. Metal/Rock also had a big percentage of the pie chart, as did Pop which influenced our decision about what genre of music to make a video for and we came to the conclusion of indie/pop.

The second question asks "how old are you?" with the replies of "16", "17", "18" and "other" which informed us of the general ages people were and if that reflected their music choice and decisions about our music video idea. The biggest age was 17 with 16 and 18 having the same percentage. I think this age group is the most likely to watch music videos and be inspired by them rather than young teenagers or adults because of the ideology that is associated with such videos.

The third chart asks "what do you like to watch in a music video?" with the answers "Dancing", "Narrative", "Animation" and "The Band" which had quite equal responses. In our music video we have a narrative and the band featured which have a large percentage (especially for narrative) in this pie chart and this result influenced our decision.

The forth question was "how often do you watch music videos?" with the options "Often", "Rarely", "Never" and "Other". Approximately 80% of people watched music videos often which again, i think is because of the age of the target audience and because of how accessible they are to people of this age.

These were the questions with multiple choice answers which is why they could be made into charts. The other questions required more thought and so we didn't give any choices which is why there are no graphs to show these replies. The responses we got will still be taken into consideration however if/when we adapt our storyboard and film.

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