Friday, October 22, 2010

More Filming... ★

Today Mike and I filmed some more footage for the montage effect. We filmed boats and swans on the docks as scenery for things "the girl" could be passing on her way to meet Olly. We did some panning shots of the docks, looking out across from high land. We also walked with the camera as if it was through "the girls" eyes which had a good effect and could easily be added in between other footage. We also included some other shots including close-ups, extreme close-ups mid shots and long shots and we included some zooms, panning and POV angles.
We then uploaded it to the Mac and started editing by cutting the film when it changed shots as this made it easier to see what footage we actually had. We're filming more after half term with "the girl" and once this as been done we can start putting everything together. We're also going to take still photos for our CD cover, insert and advert which will synergise with our music video.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

CD Cover Ideas ★

This is the back cover of the CD cover, also in draft form. It’s shows a guitar and a drum that “Two in a Boat” use which represents the band without them in the photograph. These instruments give an idea about the genre of the music which is indie acoustic. It also has music notes coming from the guitar which then leads into the list of songs on the album, one being Ain't That Easy, like bullet points.

This is the draft front cover of our CD album. It shows the corner or section of a boat which has the name "Two in a Boat" and the name of the song written on the boat like it's the name of it. It also has a close-up of Olly and the girl holding hands, so that's their faces aren't included which denotes them being together but also has connotations of the "happily ever after" ideology that everyone dreams of. It also shows equality between the sexes and neither is more favoured or publicised. The colours of their clothes will be decided at a later date but these will also be thought about, due to the representations these may give.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Questionnaire Results ★

These are the results of our questionnaire that we gave out to people of our target audience and people who frequently watch music videos to get a wide range of responses.

The first question asks "what is your favourite music genre?" with the answers "Pop", "Metal/Rock", "R 'n' B/Soul" and "Other". The biggest section of answers came from the "other" category which included genres of music such as indie, religious, folk and orchestral. Metal/Rock also had a big percentage of the pie chart, as did Pop which influenced our decision about what genre of music to make a video for and we came to the conclusion of indie/pop.

The second question asks "how old are you?" with the replies of "16", "17", "18" and "other" which informed us of the general ages people were and if that reflected their music choice and decisions about our music video idea. The biggest age was 17 with 16 and 18 having the same percentage. I think this age group is the most likely to watch music videos and be inspired by them rather than young teenagers or adults because of the ideology that is associated with such videos.

The third chart asks "what do you like to watch in a music video?" with the answers "Dancing", "Narrative", "Animation" and "The Band" which had quite equal responses. In our music video we have a narrative and the band featured which have a large percentage (especially for narrative) in this pie chart and this result influenced our decision.

The forth question was "how often do you watch music videos?" with the options "Often", "Rarely", "Never" and "Other". Approximately 80% of people watched music videos often which again, i think is because of the age of the target audience and because of how accessible they are to people of this age.

These were the questions with multiple choice answers which is why they could be made into charts. The other questions required more thought and so we didn't give any choices which is why there are no graphs to show these replies. The responses we got will still be taken into consideration however if/when we adapt our storyboard and film.

Story Boards ★

These are our 3 story boards for the music video. They include timings, an image of whats happening in the scene and a brief description by the side of it.

This is the first storyboard which sets the scene of who the characters are whats happening. It shows "the girl" in her room with a torn up picture, receiving a text from her boyfriend and then leaving her house to meet up with him. This will include close-ups of her face and of the text so the audience knows what's happening. It will also have some mid-shots and also footage of Olly playing from the various angles we shot.

This is the second storyboard which leads on from her leaving her house. She is shown walking through a park with focus on other couples that are sat around, making her reflect on her own relationship. The river is also shown as well as close-ups of her face and of her feet. Olly is also shown playing his guitar, his location still unknown.

This is the third storyboard which shows her turning up to the place where her boyfriend is and then walking into the room where he's been playing (clips shown throughout the whole video) as the song ends. This will include a variety of shots and also a match on action when she opens the door of the room and when she walks in. POV angles may also be used to show what she's seeing.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Take One ★

On Wednesday we started filming! We decided to film Olly in a white room, like our storyboard said, and had him sat on a chair with his guitar. We had two cameras that we could use but only one tape which was an issue. To overcome this problem we filmed Olly singing three times, from different angles with the one camera. We had an eye level mid-shot, a low angle closeup looking up the guitar as Olly played and finally another closeup but this time eye level focusing on Olly.

In the editing room we will then edit these takes into short scenes which are in a montage effect with the different angles and they will then be added in between the other footage as shown in our story board which will be uploaded shortly.

We hope to film some more footage this week or next week as filming over half term isn't going to be possible. Once we have all the filming we need we can then get on with the editing and also concentrate on the CD cover and CD advert.